Governments need reliable information on the price, availability and affordability of medicines to develop sound medicine pricing policies and to evaluate the impact of policy implementation. To help researchers collect this information in their countries, Health Action International offers a free standardised methodology.

The methodology pulls together and analyses data on medicine prices for both patient out-of-pocket expenses and government procurement prices across sectors and country regions. It also assesses medicine availability, affordability and price components, such as taxes and mark-ups.

Measuring Medicine Prices, Availability, Affordability and Price Components (2nd Edition)

Photo of Pricing Surveys Manual

by Health Action International and World Health Organization (2008)

The WHO/HAI medicine price, availability and affordability survey methodology can be downloaded (per section) for free below.

Electronic Workbooks

Part 1: Prices, availability and affordability – Download Workbook (in Excel)

Part 2: Price components – Download Workbook (in Excel)

Download Manual by Sections

Table of Contents, Abbreviations, Foreword and AcknowledgementsEnglish Language Icon

Chapter 1: IntroductionEnglish Language Icon

Chapter 2: Survey Overview and Pre-survey Planning English Language Icon
Supporting materials:

  • Annex 1 Questionnaire on structures and processes of country pharmaceutical situation
  • Annex 2 Example of a letter of endorsement

Chapter 3: Preparation English Language Icon

Chapter 4: Training Area Supervisors, Data Collectors and Data Entry    English Language Icon

  • Annex 3 Trainers’ guide for training area supervisors, data collectors and data entry personnel


  • Instructions for area supervisors (EN | FR | ES | RU)
  • Instructions for data collectors (EN | FR | ES | RU)
  • Instructions for completing the Medicine Price Data Collection Form (EN | FR | ES | RU)

Chapter 5: Preparing for Data Collection in the Field English Language Icon

  • Annex 4 Letter of introduction from survey manager

Chapter 6: Data Collection in the Field English Language Icon

Chapter 7: Data Entry English Language Icon

  • Annex 5 Checklist for manual check of survey data

Chapter 8: Data Analysis and Interpretation English Language Icon

Chapter 9: Measuring Price ComponentsEnglish Language Icon

  • Annex 6 Price components interview guide
  • Annex 7 Price components data collection form

Chapter 10: International ComparisonsRussian Language IconSpanish Language LogoFrench Language Icon English Language Icon

Chapter 11: Exploring Possible Policy Options and Lines of ActionEnglish Language Icon

Chapter 12: Reporting English Language Icon

Chapter 13: Using the Evidence and Getting the Messages Out English Language Icon

Chapter 14: Monitoring Medicine Prices and AvailabilityRussian Language IconSpanish Language LogoFrench Language Icon English Language Icon

GlossaryRussian Language IconSpanish Language Logo French Language IconEnglish Language Icon