Media Resources


Statement to WHO Euro RC72

HAI and Partners Launch SHARP Project

HAI Statement on Tentative Agreement on TRIPS and COVID-19

Statement to EB150: Global Strategy & Plan of Action

Statement to EB150: Pandemic Preparedness and Response


Statement on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response

Spanish Research Institute Licence with C-TAP

Letter to the President of the European Council: European Council Meeting 20-21 October and TRIPS Waiver

Oproep aan Nederlandse regering: toon politieke daadkracht tijdens topconferenties en promoot eerlijke toegang tot Covid-19 vaccins

New study estimates over nine million people living with type 1 diabetes

Analogue Insulin on WHO Model List of Essential Medicines

MEPs can deliver strong message to Commission on TRIPS waiver

WHO Members States must not miss opportunity to improve lives of over 460 million people with diabetes

Nearly 400 MEPs and MPs Join Chorus of Voices Calling for a TRIPS Waiver on COVID-19 Vaccines

HAI Statement on the Oslo Medicines Initiative


Health Action International Statement on the European Commission Pharmaceutical Strategy

HAI Statement to the 73rd WHA on public health, innovation and IP

HAI Statement to the WHO Executive Board – COVID-19

HAI Statement on Improving Access to Insulin

HAI Statement to the 70th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe

COVID-19: Future of Pharmaceuticals Webinar

Medical Technologies for COVID-19 Developed with Public Money Must be Recognised as Global Public Goods

HAI during COVID-19

Statement on the Results of EP Plenary on COVID-19 Response

Guarantee transparency, affordability and availability of EU funded therapies for COVID-19, demand MEPs

CJEU ruling is victory that resonates for all in favour of greater transparency


Expert Panel Discusses Concern on Use of Publicly Funded Knowledge in Medicines Development

EU Lawmakers Raise Alarm at Lack of Commitment to Enforcing Clinical Trial Data Transparency

Les législateurs de l’UE sonnent l’alarme sur le manque d’engagement à faire respecter la transparence des données des essais cliniques

Half of Cancer Drug Approvals Rely on Results of Potentially Biased Clinical Trials