

Statement to EB146 on Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property

Letter Regarding Proposed Amendments to Rules Governing the Involvement of Non-State Actors in WHO’s Governing Bodies


Realities of access to medicines in the Netherlands: Commitments Rights and Obligations

Statement to the 69th Regional Committee World Health Organisation European Region (WHO-EURO)

Guidelines for socially responsible management of innovation

Fact or Fiction: What Healthcare Professionals Need to Know about Pharmaceutical Marketing in the European Union

SRHC: Availability, Affordability, & Stock-outs- Four-Country Comparison 2018

SRHC: Availability, Affordability, & Stock-outs- Tanzania 2018

SRHC: Availability, Affordability, & Stock-outs- Zambia 2018

SRHC: Availability, Affordability, & Stock-outs- Uganda 2018

SRHC: Availability, Affordability, & Stock-outs- Kenya 2018

Putting Access at the Heart of Medicines Policy – Annual Report 2018

HAI Statement on the WHO’s Roadmap for Access to Medicines and Vaccines 2019-2023

Statement to the World Health Assembly on the Global Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance

Statement to 72nd World Health Assembly: Universal Health Coverage

Snakebite in Kenya: Evidence from the Field | Research Data from 2019-2020

The Need for Global Action to Reduce Snakebite Death And Disability

Sexual and Reproductive Health Commodities: Four-country Comparison 2019

Governments Who Support Transparency Must Raise Their Voice at the World Health Assembly

Clinical Trials at European Universities: Mapping Unreported Drug Trials

Statement to WHO Expert Committee on Essential Medicines

Improving Access to Medicines in the EU: A Guide to HAI’s European Projects 2019

Clinical Trials in the European Union: A Roadmap to Greater Transparency

Response to Consultation on EMA Engagament with Manufacturers for Marketing Medicines

Statement to the 72nd World Health Assembly on Access to Medicines and Vaccines

Communicating for Change: Effective Advocacy Communications for Non-Profit Organisations


TRIPS flexibilities and access to medicines

New and Affordable Medicines in the Netherlands: Tracing the Dutch Government’s Policy Commitments and Actions

Access a Major Obstacle for One in Two People Using Insulin to Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Snakebite Incidents, Response & Antivenom Supply (Uganda)