

Comprendre la promotion pharmaceutique et y répondre: Un manuel pratique

EU-India free trade deal puts millions of lives at risk

La Alianza LAC-Global reconoce el paso dado por el Medicines Patent Pool

2012 Annual Report

2012 Financial Statements


Follow-up on CEWG Report on Research and Development Financing and Coordination 2012

ACTA is dead, long live ACTA? ACTA-like measures still in EU IP policies

Time for the final push: Say “No” to ACTA – again

EU and U.S. Negotiators Block Broad Support of Low- and Middle-income Countries to Move Towards Binding Health and Development R&D Convention

EU Parliament Says No and No Again to EMA: Independent Groups Echo Decision

Health Activists and Consumers Ask for Greater Public Return on EU Health R&D Spending and a Turn to Needs-driven Innovation

Big Pharma Spends Over €40 Million per Year Lobbying in the EU, Dwarfing Public Health NGOs

Civil Society Calls on Members of the European Parliament to Condemn ACTA

Divide and Conquer: A look behind the scenes of the EU pharmaceutical industry lobby

Heading ACTA and Access to Medicines: Flawed Process, Rationale and Agreement

Protect Access to Medicines: Say “No” to ACTA

Business Conduct Guidelines

Complaints Procedure (EN)

Procedimiento de Querellas

Klachtenprocedure (Complaints Procedure – Dutch)

Unlocking the Mysteries of Access to Clinical Trials Data in the EU

Call to EU Leadership on Global Health Research & Development


Statement on Medicines Patent Pool

Universal Access to Medicines for Non-Communicable Diseases

Drop in Pay-for-Delay Good for Access to Medicines in Europe

Resolution on Innovation and Access to Medical Technologies

Uso Racional: La influencia de la publicidad en el uso del medicamento

Statement on Conflicts of Interests delivered at WHA

Statement on EU India and EU Mercosur Free-Trade Negotiations

Medicines pay-for-delay back under the microscope