

Policy Brief 6 – The Role of Health Technology Assessment in Medicine Pricing and Reimbursement

Policy Brief 2 – The Role of Health Insurance in the Cost-effective Use of Medicines

Working Paper 1 – External Reference Pricing

Working Paper 6 – The Role of Health Technology Assessment in Medicine Pricing and Reimbursement

Policy Brief 4 – Competition Policy

Policy Brief 1 – External Reference Pricing

Working Paper 2 – The Role of Health Insurance in the Cost-Effective Use of Medicines

Working Paper 3: The Regulation of Mark-ups in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

Working Paper 5 – Sales Taxes on Medicines

Understanding and Responding To Medicines Promotion


The Status Quo Wins Again: Selected R&D Demonstration Projects Disappoint, Offer Little Progress (2013)

EU Regulation on Clinical Trials: Further enhance clinical data transparency

Transparency of Clinical Trial Data on Medicines in the EU

Transparency in the Public Interest: How the EMA Policy on Publication and Access to Cinical-trial Data Could Help Save Lives

Trade, TRIPS+, & Access to Medicines

EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreement: Not at the expense of access to medicines

HAI Europe Calls on EFPIA and PhRMA to Truly Commit to Clinical Trial Data Transparency

LAC-Global Alliance Statement on Trans-Pacific Partnership and Access to Affordable Medicines

NGOs Condemn the EU Press Release on TRIPS Extension for Least Developed Countries

Long-awaited Steps Towards Affordable Access and Needs-driven Research and Development

Comprendre la promotion pharmaceutique et y répondre: Un manuel pratique

EU-India free trade deal puts millions of lives at risk

La Alianza LAC-Global reconoce el paso dado por el Medicines Patent Pool

2012 Annual Report

2012 Financial Statements


Follow-up on CEWG Report on Research and Development Financing and Coordination 2012

ACTA is dead, long live ACTA? ACTA-like measures still in EU IP policies

Time for the final push: Say “No” to ACTA – again

EU and U.S. Negotiators Block Broad Support of Low- and Middle-income Countries to Move Towards Binding Health and Development R&D Convention

EU Parliament Says No and No Again to EMA: Independent Groups Echo Decision