

Health protection is non-negotiable in the AI Act negotiations

HAI welcomes new Foundation Board Chair

HAI and Partners Launch New SRH Project

Call for Action: High Time to Prioritise Health in the EU Artificial Intelligence Act

WTO institutionally unfit for the purpose of delivering sustainable solutions

Introducing the TRIPS Flexibilities Navigator

Artificial Intelligence Act – A long awaited report surfaces

EU rushing WTO members to adopt weak waiver text

HAI Statement on Tentative Agreement on TRIPS and COVID-19

Marking International Women’s Day 2022

HAI is Hiring!

Risks and Harms from Health-related AI

Make good on access to medicine commitments HAI asks new Dutch Health Minister

Call for medical journals to support clinical trial transparency


Looking to 2022 with Renewed Energy

Transparency: Bringing the Issue to Life

Working with the European Parliament

TRIPS Waiver: The Push Continues

Talking Medicine Pricing

WHO Recommends Malaria Vaccine for Use

Over 9 million people living with type 1 diabetes

European Commission’s State of the Union address: Reflection and Transparency Notable Absences

A poster for change: HAI’s Snakebite First-aid poster is now available in Swahili

COVID-19: European Commission gives lacklustre response to legitimate civil society concerns

European Commission is offering no meaningful solutions for equitable access

Clinical Trial Data and the Risk of Bias

Getting Hack to Reality

C-TAP has not (yet) lived up to high expectations

A Pandemic Response Lacking Moral Leadership

Health Action International successful recipients of core funding from the European AI Fund