

Regulating Off-label Use of Medicines in Europe

Shocking Disparity Between Insulin Prices and Cost of Production

Estimate of Insulin Use in Type 2 Diabetes

Global Coalition of Health Organisations Announces First-ever International Snakebite Awareness Day

Statement on ENVI Committee Report on Health Technology Assessments

Statement to WHO on Roadmap Report on Access to Medicines & Vaccines

Prices and Availability of Locally Produced and Imported Medicines in Kenya

Joint Letter to WHO Director-General: WHO’s Roadmap on Access to Medicines and Vaccines 2019-2023

Snakebite Incidents, Response & Antivenom Supply in Kilifi County, Kenya

Request to ViiV to Urgently Step-up Efforts to Ensure Widespread Access to dolutegravir for Children

HAI Snakebite Programme – Sub-Saharan Africa

HAI Snakebite Programme – Kenya

HAI Snakebite Programme – Uganda

HAI Snakebite Programme – Zambia

Guide to HAI’s 2018 European Union Projects

2017 Annual Report: Tackling Health Inequalities through Treatment Access

Key Recommendations on Health Technology Assessments

Ensuring EU Funded Medical R&I Delivers for EU Citizens and Beyond

Health Action International Hails Adoption of Milestone Resolution on Snakebite Envenoming at 71st World Health Assembly

Statement to WHA71 on Addressing the Global Shortage of, and Access to, Medicines and Vaccines

Statement to the Seventy-first World Health Assembly on GPW13

Policy Brief: The Way Forward for Access to Medicines

International Panel Puts Intellectual Property Incentives Framework Under Microscope as Prices of New Medicines Rise in Europe

Policy Brief: The Need for Global Action to Reduce Snakebite Death and Disability

Summary – Insulin Guidelines

Summary – Value of Insulin

Joint Statement: Europe, Let’s Do More for Health!

Joint Letter to European Commissioner Malmström on EU Counterfeiting and Piracy Watch List

Drivers of Irrational Use of Antibiotics in Europe

The Devastating Impact of Snakebite Envenoming