Introducing the Digital Rights and Health Alliance

Civil society letter calls for European Parliament to support global access to medical tools


Health for all requires a healthy planet 


HAI welcomes new Foundation Board Chair

EU rushing WTO members to adopt weak waiver text

Marking International Women’s Day 2022

HAI is Hiring!


Looking to 2022 with Renewed Energy

Working with the European Parliament

COVID-19: European Commission gives lacklustre response to legitimate civil society concerns

Access to Medicines in Europe

Health Action International at 40 – A Word from Executive Director, Tim Reed


HAI’s Great Health Hack Delivers Great Ideas for Access to Meds

What do the next five years have in store for the European Medicines Agency?

COVID-19 risks turning back the clock on years of essential development work

HAI Releases Annual Report 2019

Reflections on the World Health Assembly

COVID-19 And Its Far-Reaching Health Impacts in Sub-Saharan Africa

EU Must Not Miss its Chance on WHO Technology Pool


A Momentous Week for Access to Medicines


Time for a Treaty? ReAct Reports on Second Consultation on Global Development & Stewardship Framework to Combat AMR

How WHO’s Internship Policy Became More Inclusive

Onze collega gaat terug naar (Utrecht Summer) School

A Week of Promise for Access to Medicines

What Role Can Civil Society Play in the European Regulatory Process?

Staff Spotlight: Evelien Colenberg


Staff Spotlight: Gemma Buckland-Merrett


Intern Spotlight: A Year in Review

Intern Spotlight: Huibert-Jan Joosse

Intern Spotlight: Gaby Ooms