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The ACCISS Multi-stakeholder Meeting – Sept. 2017
The ACCISS Multi-stakeholder Meeting was held in Amsterdam on 11 September. It allowed stakeholders from a variety of perspectives to come together to discuss the barriers of global access to insulin and ways to move past these barriers. After introductions by Tim Reed and Margaret Ewen from HAI, the day-long meeting began with ACCISS co-lead investigator David Beran describing the findings from the first three years of the ACCISS Study. After a lengthy discussion, an interactive poster session with authors of many of the ACCISS Study tools was held. Feedback during the session will be used
to improve theses tools which will be available in the upcoming ACCISS online toolbox. The afternoon included a panel discussion entitled: Is Access to Insulin in Our Reach? This question was discussed by speakers from a variety of perspectives – from national diabetes organisations to ministry of health and insulin manufacturers. The final two sessions of the day highlighted the priorities of access to insulin from both the global perspective and the national perspective. Much of the day’s proceedings were also webcast live on the day. Below is the recordings of the webcasts.