Analysis of Pooled Procurement Mechanisms and their Applicability for Small State Countries or Countries with Limited Needs

The objective of the study is to assess whether multi-country pooled procurement (tendering/purchasing/framework agreements or other) and/or information sharing initiatives could be beneficial for small lower-income nations for the purchasing of insulin, insulin syringes, blood glucose meters and blood glucose test strips, using the Pacific as a case study. It also sets out to assess pooled procurement opportunities for insulin and associated supplies by United Nations (UN) agencies, such as UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UN Development Programme (UNDP) and World Health Organization (WHO), and how small lower-income countries in different regions (e.g., Sub-Saharan Africa, Pacific, and others) could potentially benefit from economies of scale (rather than procuring nationally). The outcome of this study will contribute to the development of guidelines for the procurement of insulin and associated supplies.

Health procurement in small lower-income countries or in countries with limited demand (considering this demand could expand overtime with the expansion of services and additional budget) could be challenging. When defining their procurement strategies, small state countries, or countries with limited requests for insulin and associated supplies due to limited capacity, should consider different options.

Based on our analysis of multi-country pooled procurement mechanisms, several procurement options should be considered by small state countries or countries with limited requests for insulin and associated supplies.

For each option, this report gives a brief analysis of advantages and disadvantages is proposed for further consideration. Additional elements raised by this analysis for future consideration by the ACCISS Study are also proposed.

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The ACCISS Study is supported by The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. The analysis included in this report is that of the authors alone and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Helmsley Charitable Trust. All references and conclusions are intended for educational and informative purposes and do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation from the Helmsley Charitable Trust.