

Foundations: Conlicts of interests and Democracy issues

European drug regulator challenged over revolving door case involving former Director

Corporate funding linked to EU patient & consumer groups policy


Apply now: HAI Europe recruits two interns for 2011

EMA reviews transparency criteria

HAI research on financial disclosure featured in article: European politicians' call for greater transparency

Invitation: Meeting to discuss Global Health Education (GHE) and the People's Health Movement (PHM) in Europe

ACTA, Democracy & Access to Medicines

Selling Sickness through unbranded disease awareness campaigns?

HAI Europe Statement: EMA talks the ‘conflicts of interest’ talk, but will it walk the walk?

Report: Public information as a medicines marketing tool

Systematic review of drug promotion's influence on prescribing

Doha Declaration Par 6 to be reviewed in TRIPS Council

Welfare Implications of Intellectual Property Enforcement

Dutch Minister of Health supports HAI E's financial transparency recommendations to EMA

Report exposes how Big Pharma has hijacked EU-India trade deal

In perspective: EMA comments on HAI Europe's survey of financial disclosure

Impact of HAI Europe survey results: Two weeks on

HAI Europe survey reveals new data on financial transparency of patient and consumer organisations

Open Health Forum: more room for civil society?

Priorities of the Belgian Presidency

HAI Europe recommendations for improved conflict of interest declarations at EMA

International Experts Find that Pending Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Threatens Public Interests

ISDB & MiEF criticize EMA over conflict of interest procedures

Innovation & Access at the EU High Level Event on Global Health

Review of conflict of interest policies in three European medicines regulation agencies

Medicines manufacturers have clear motives for financing the patient voice

Quito Declaration

Independent drug bulletin and assessment reports from Spain – now in English

Quito Declaration