156th Session of the WHO Executive Board, Agenda Item 6
Universal Health Coverage
Thank you Chair,
It is our long-standing belief, and commitment, that only by ensuring a firm legal and financial basis for primary care can Universal Health Coverage (UHC) become a reality.
Unfortunately, progress towards UHC remains stalled at global level with only a few examples of positive developments to be reported. The upcoming 2027 High Level Meeting should address the root cause of this lack of progress, which not only threatens the fulfillment of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) but worsens inequality both within and between countries. We need a renewed energy and sense of urgency from all stakeholders.
We applaud the regional initiatives on pooled procurement and encourage WHO Secretariat to continue providing technical assistance to governments and advocates to make medicines and other health technologies more affordable and accessible. Rare diseases must also benefit from the push.
Finally, we call on all stakeholders to address the challenge of climate change when formulating policies and public interventions aimed at strengthening health systems.