156th Session of the WHO Executive Board, Agenda Item 7
Follow-up to the political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of NCDs
Thank you Chair,
We are pleased to see progress on Resolution WHA 74.4 especially on the development of diabetes targets as well as WHO regional calls to action. However, critical gaps remain and there is a need for accelerated action in order to achieve SDG 3.4 and ensure access to NCD medicines, care and support.
Health Action International, through its ACCISS Study, calls on Member States to:
- Commit to concrete actions to improve the availability and affordability of quality-assured insulin, delivery devices and blood glucose self-monitoring tools.
- Develop and promote health policies and systems recognizing the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and support person-centered approaches to care.
- Align and implement monitoring efforts with the global diabetes targets using WHO framework guidance.
- Ensure transparency of markets for insulin and glucose testing devices to empower purchasing by governments and individuals.
Finally, we strongly support cross-cutting efforts to mobilize NCD investments, accelerate implementation of cost-effective policies, deliver accountability and engage communities.