Online Roundtable – Shortages: Time to Act

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Date(s) - 11/12/2024
15:30 UTC - 16:00 UTC


Dear all,

Health Action International is pleased to invite you to the online roundtable “Shortages: Time to Act” on Wednesday, December 11, from 15.30 to 16.30 CET.

Medicine shortages in the European Union have become increasingly common, with some countries being affected more than others. Public opinion and national authorities feel the need for public intervention.

The non-paper endorsed by 14 Member states, the conclusions of the 29-30 March 2023 European Council, the special hearing at the European Parliament’s SANT committee, and the setting up of the Critical Medicines Alliance by the European Commission appear to be steps in the right direction.

It remains to be seen however how the welfare of patients, the sustainability of public health systems, and the accountability of private actors will be guaranteed in any legislative endeavour on the matter.

This roundtable provides an opportunity to discuss the ongoing issues of shortages, the various initiatives and responses, as well as find common ground on a public interest-guided agenda that ensures availability and access to medicines regardless of borders or income.

Speakers will be
• Riccardo Rubini, Economic Affairs Manager from European Community Pharmacists
• Piera Polidori/Despoina Makridaki, Board Members from the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists
• Mina Tadrous, Assistant Professor from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto.
The roundtable will be moderated by Jaume Vidal, Senior Policy Advisor, Health Action International.

Register for the roundtable here:–gpjwsHt1qKm9dqpBKOG4pm9Xzd7kR.

We look forward to seeing you there!