Governments must ensure Big Pharma’s expansion in Africa doesn’t impede generics supply

New materials help assess medicines policies and interventions

A new (and improved) model to regulate pharmaceutical promotion

Enhancing accountability in the medicines market: The Medicines Transparency Alliance

Bayer CEO's callous comments highlight failure of current biomedical innovation model

Leaks and Lies: Pharma’s strategy to derail South Africa’s intellectual property reforms exposed

Selected R&D demonstration projects disappointing: Innovation models with new incentive mechanisms needed

Regulation critical to clinical trials data transparency in Europe


When politicians go to the movies

True clinical trials transparency? Not quite, EFPIA.

Good week for access to affordable medicines

Bracing for another delay – open innovation at the WHO?


EU Policy Opportunities in Biomedical Innovation and the Public Good

Statement on Medicines Patent Pool

Public Event on EU-MERCOSUR in Buenos Aires

The Diagnosis of Childhood Bipolar Disease has led to Catastrophic Consequences

DG Trade State of Play reveals EU's ambitions for IP protection in FTAs

Statement on conflicts of interest delivered at WHA on behalf of HAI, Berne Declaration, KEI, TWN, PHM, IBFAN

Conflicts of Interest and the Future of Financing for WHO.

DG Trade public hearing on the “Protection and enforcement of IPR in third countries

EU-Mercosur Trade Negotiations: What Fate for Access to medicines?

Foundations: Conlicts of interests and Democracy issues

European drug regulator challenged over revolving door case involving former Director

Corporate funding linked to EU patient & consumer groups policy


EMA reviews transparency criteria

HAI research on financial disclosure featured in article: European politicians' call for greater transparency

ACTA, Democracy & Access to Medicines

Selling Sickness through unbranded disease awareness campaigns?

HAI Europe Statement: EMA talks the ‘conflicts of interest’ talk, but will it walk the walk?

Systematic review of drug promotion's influence on prescribing